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Vanya Zhukov and the duel of Alexander Pushkin. The story

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    Vanya Zhukov and the duel of Alexander Pushkin. The story.

  Vanya Zhukov and the duel of Alexander Pushkin. The story.
  Vanya Zhukov - as a novice writer-decided to understand the theme "The duel of Alexander Pushkin".
  A lot of incomprehensible. And with Pushkin's Sekundant [trusted person of the duel participant]. And with the preparation of the duel. And with Pushkin's shot (where the bullet released from Pushkin's pistol got, and what was the result of his shot).
  Vanya runs around the city, and in pauses of a bustle makes notes in a notebook. Sets out his thoughts.
  At first no one paid any attention to him. A little later, oddly enough, at the moment of recording, a some state budget writer turns out to be next to Vanya and is interested in the creative process. Vanya does not hide his interest in the topic.
  Two notebooks are filled with notes. Vanya considers himself an expert in the topic "The duel of Alexander Pushkin". It is unlikely that he will be able to publish his work somewhere - this requires other abilities - not literary. But - he will post his work somewhere on a some Internet site. One way or another, but he, Vanya, is a creative person.
  Suddenly the thought came to Vanya - what kind of duel could Alexander Pushkin have in the era of Nikolai Pavlovich? A duel is a fight of people of honor. Are there many people of honor left? And for those people who remained - do they have a lot of honor left?
  Vanya writes this idea in a notebook, when suddenly at that moment a chic car of the Great Diplomat stops next to him. The glass slides down and the voice of the Great Diplomat is heard from the inside of the car: "I challenge you to a duel!"
  The glass rises and the car drives off.
  Vanya is at a loss. He didn't understand anything.
  He hurries to the office of the Great Diplomat.
  The Great Diplomat looks at Vanya frowningly: "Take out your"s thimbles!"
  - "I have no thimbles!"
  - "I have!"
  Thimbles and a little golden ball appear.
  Fast movements.
  - "Under what thimble is the ball?"
  Vanya shows.
  The great diplomat smiles slightly, lifts a thimble (there is no little golden ball under it) and looks at Vanya:
  - "You lost the duel!"
  Vanya went outside in confusion.
  "He explained everything perfectly. What I understand, and what I can understand about duels!? This is better than any literary criticism! This is a wonderful performance of modern culture! The modern culture has great potential!".
  Vanya decided to continue a bustle and to stop dealing with the topic of "Pushkin's Duel".
  "I will be in the trend of modern culture!".
  December 29, 2019 08: 10
  Translation from Russian into English: December 29, 2019 08:48.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Ваня Жуков и дуэль Александра Пушкина. Рассказ".
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