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Venezuelan ... with Russial ... 2020 - 2021. A memo

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Venezuelan ... with Russial ... 2020 - 2021. A memo.

  Venezuelan ... with Russial ... 2020 - 2021. A memo.
  We have repeatedly written about the topic of the growth of the population's indebtedness.
  On January 16, 2020, we posted on the Internet a futurological note [MCCXXVII] "The economic forecast": "... the purchasing power of the population will be falling, and the debt of the broad masses of the population will growing.
  The most likely will be a "Venezuelan scenario with a Russial specificity"".
  We know the reality, the position (in system) of the state statistical bodies.
  Accordingly, we did not take any active steps to search for statistics that confirm or refute our forecast.
  It is clear that in the current state of affairs, indirect signs characterizing the situation are more reliable.
  We patiently waited for the course of events to either to confirm or to refute our prediction - when the course of events itself would push relevant information to the surface, when it would be impossible to hide the real state of affairs.
  Thus, we can read: "... banks write off means of social support (which the state is sending) to pay off debts. (...) ... I propose to enshrine in the legislation the requirement to prohibit the write-off of social benefits and benefits through the enforcement proceedings. " (24 August 2021) [unofficial translation](
  If the problem of the population's debt had not acquired an absolutely catastrophic sound, such a formulation of the question would hardly have taken place.
  And the citizens of Russia should not wait for accurate statistical data on the dynamics of the population's debt, and if such data appear, then the most attentive attitude to such data will be natural.
  However, even without accurate statistical data, we can conclude by indirect signs that the "Venezuelan scenario with a Russial specificity" is gradually being implemented.
  In addition, about a month later (after January 16, 2020), on February 25, 2020, we posted on the Internet the historical treatise [MCCСIX] "People without a projects of a future." It was pleasant to read the mention of the "image of the future" ("I often hear that we need a national idea, everyone talks about it, the image of the future.") [unofficial translation](Http://
  In general, sometimes our predictions come true. And sometimes we think "on the same wave" ...
  August 27, 2021 08:47
  Translation from Russian into English: August 27, 2021 09:34.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Венесуэльский ... с российской ... 2020 - 2021. Заметка".
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