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Vysotsky. Between Vertinsky, Okudzhava and Mayakovsky. A note about chapters 1-9 of Vladimir Novikov's book "Vysotsky"

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    Vysotsky. Between Vertinsky, Okudzhava and Mayakovsky. A note about chapters 1-9 of Vladimir Novikov's book "Vysotsky".

  Vysotsky. Between Vertinsky, Okudzhava and Mayakovsky. A note about chapters 1-9 of Vladimir Novikov's book "Vysotsky".
  A reading of the chapters 1 - 9 of the book 'Vysotsky' by Vladimir Novikov gives rise to a lot of associative thoughts about the fate, role and position of the European, East-Republican creative and political elite in the USSR.
  These reflections may be enough for a historical and cultural treatise. But we will (for the moment) avoid writing a treatise by confining ourselves to a note.
  What do our thoughts look like, if to set them out very briefly?
  1. The author of the book, seems to us, made an attempt to avoid the description of the Vysotskies (Vysotskys) in general and the description of Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky (the resident of Kiev, the poet's grandfather; Kiev's Vysotsky had three higher educations and even some financial opportunities for help to the family of his grandson) and of Semyon Vladimirovich Vysotsky (the resident of Moscow) ... The maximum brevity, as it seems to us, characterizes the presentation of material on these topics ...
  2. The potential of the Vysotsky and Seregin families (Seregin(a) is the maiden name of the mother of Vladimir Vysotsky; the parents of Vladimir Vysotsky divorced, they created new families, he lived in two families) was high enough to keep Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky afloat, but this potential was already insufficient to to employ in Moscow the first wife of Vladimir Vysotsky, Iza Vysotskaya (Zhukova). She was forced to go to Rostov (as a result, the first marriage broke up; this case demonstrated, in a sense, the limited capabilities of the Vysotskies (Vysotskys) and the dynamics of decreasing of their social weight).
  3. Regardless of social conditions, and, possibly, in counteracting them, regardless of them, Vladimir Vysotski began to show talent of singer and poet.
  With this unique combination of creative possibilities and gradually increasing popularity, Vladimir Vysotsky remained in the humiliating role of an indistinguishable theatrical magnitude.
  4. As Vladimir Vysotski 's talent developed, the system of creativity management in the USSR driven Vysotsky into a de facto opposition position, she rejected him. He not received any serious status and not received a decent financial reward.
  5. The author of the book "Vysotsky" believes that a milestone event in the life of Vladimir Vysotsky was his acquaintance with Yuri Petrovich Lyubimov, whom the author of the book characterizes as an outstanding personality. ('... With people large, brilliant, a half-word contact arises. ").
  Some readers may get the impression that the appearance of Vladimir Vysotsky's opportunity to start cooperation with Yu.P. Lyubimov was a serious achievement of the art management system in the USSR.
  In our opinion, Vladimir Vysotsky did not need any outstanding personalities in a role of his superiors. If you focus on the contents of the book, then Vladimir Vysotsky simply did not have the other choice.
  6. The selection and grouping of biographical material by the author of the book "Vysotsky" testifies to the diligence of the author, to the integrity of the author (adjusted for what was said above in this note).
  7. The manner of presentation chosen by the author of the book "Vysotsky" resembles to some extent the manner of Maxim Chertanov. To some, this manner may seem like an attempt to adopt a style of a neighborhood talk (a chatter of a neighbors). Is it something of a manner of a "literary simplification"? Such a style could cause irritation at some readers.
  A strange feature of the book is the lack of a chapter numbering. The author of this note had to produce a numbering of chapters independently ...
  When reading the book "Vysotsky", the interest in the biography of Vladimir Vysotsky, the recognition of a good selection and location of biographical data and details is combined with irritation from the style of a "literary simplification"."
  May 9, 2020 07:16
  Translation from Russian into English: May 9, 2020 17:10.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Высоцкий. Между Вертинским, Окуджавой и Маяковским. Заметка о главах 1 - 9 книги Владимира Новикова 'Высоцкий''.
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