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Whether to read further? A literary note about 1 - 6 chapters of the book by Besma Lahouri "Carla Bruni: Secret Life"

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    Whether to read further? A literary note about 1 - 6 chapters of the book by Besma Lahouri "Carla Bruni: Secret Life"

  Whether to read further? A literary note about 1 - 6 chapters of the book by Besma Lahouri "Carla Bruni: Secret Life"
  After reading the title of the book [Besma Lahouri, Carla, une vie secrète] [Бесма Лаури 'Карла Бруни: Тайная жизнь'], some readers may feel wariness.
  What are these secrets? Secret Life - it sounds alarming.
  At the beginning of the book, the word 'investigation' appears a couple of times. Moreover, this investigation is an impossible mission. The heart begins to beat alarmingly.
  "Suite", "court" ... "fan of dirty splashes" ... Is the author of the book in a hard mood? Is she keeping a critical direction? ...
  Until about chapter 6 ("Carla - Cecilia: ruthless confrontation"), and in this chapter itself, the author seems to fluctuate between Cecilia and Carla.
  Cecilia causes sympathy. Harmonious couple of Sarkozy ... They were seen together everywhere ... For eighteen years, Nicolas and Cecilia lived together in grief and in joy ..
  Cecilia fulfilled the duty of the wife of a politician. Her relationship with Nicolas Sarkazi ended after he took office as President of France. She did her job ... She went all the way ...
  Nicolas Sarkazi was ready to restore relations with Cecilia - so many thought.
  A French people sympathize with the president ...
  But, during presentation, the author concretizes, clarifies her position.
  "He found for himself a beautiful queen ..."
  It seems that the situation is not as tense as it seemed at the beginning ...
  If Carla Bruni is a beautiful queen, then logic requires the author of the book to place accents accordingly.
  Cecilia is the great-granddaughter of composer Isaac Albenis, she is the daughter of a furrier. She is educated representative of a bourgeoisie ... she is passionate about art and music.
  Carla is a real aristocrat born with a golden spoon in her mouth.
  Carla is a flower ...
  It seems that it was not worth worrying, starting to read a book ... Initial fears were unfounded ...
  To set the book aside? Read further?
  April 26, 2020, 21:56
  Translation from Russian into English: April 26, 2020 23:11.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Читать ли дальше? Литературная заметка о 1 - 6 главах книги Бесмы Лаури 'Карла Бруни: Тайная жизнь''.
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