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A strange night at sea coast. From the diary by Lena Likeeva

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    XV. A strange night at sea coast. From the diary by Lena Likeeva. - March 30, 2024.

  A strange night at sea coast. From the diary by Lena Likeeva.
  September 10, 2024 06:31
  I'm going home from the sea, back home.
  I have a free time, and I decided to write down what events happened after my arrival with the sports team at the sea coast.
  We checked into a great hotel. We went to a restaurant and had a very tasty meal.
  We visited the gym and warmed up a little, worked out. The coach said that the main training sessions will begin tomorrow.
  An important person came to our training session, who had a long conversation with our coach about something and who watched us train.
  Then the whole team went to the sea.
  It was wonderful! The coach did not allow us to go deep into the water. We need to acclimatize. But we splashed seawater on each other and laughed out loudly.
  Then there was an introductory walk. What a beautiful Botanical Garden here! How beautiful! After the walk, we went to the restaurant again and had dinner.
  When I headed to my hotel room after dinner, I met that important person who earlier came to our gym.
  He told me that he wanted to talk to me about my sporting future, and invited me to his room.
  His room is very large and beautiful. There were various fruits and bottles of drinks on the table.
  He said that the World Games of International Cooperation will be held soon. He has a permit (a ticket) to these Games (it"s the permit in reserve, at his disposal). If an athlete receives such a permit (a ticket), then she is given a huge financial subsidy - for equipment, for the purchase of necessary sports equipment. In addition, during the preparation for the Games and during the Games and for some time after the Games, the girl-athlete who holds such permit (the ticket) is paid a huge sports scholarship in foreign currency every week.
  It was interesting. I was nodding my head, and I ate a chocolate candy and some grapes.
  He sat down next to me and began showing me photos of him at the Olympics with various famous people and during competitions.
  The photos were great, we looked at the photos and we were in a great mood.
  But when one of his hands rested on my shoulders and touched my chest, and the other was on my lap, I did what Marya Alekseevna taught us in the supermarket.
  It is not often that the girls or women from our supermarket on the 5th underground floor are noticed by visitors, by the buyers.
  Visitors before and after thirty almost never said anything to us. They only did a purchasing, that's all.
  If it happened that some adult person said something pleasant to someone, or gave something (as a gift), then Marya Alekseevna, later, in the presence of all the working team, was smiling and asking: "what are you going to do with him in the bed?", "and how you will be sleeping with him (in the same bed)?" or "he's older than your father!" or "how are you going to walk down the street with him?" or something else like that.
  As a result, any desire to continue the acquaintance was disappearing. The girl-culprit of the incident was obliged to to say something to the kind visitor so that the person who showed attention would also lose the desire to continue acquaintance.
  I felt nothing for this important person who invited me to his room: neither sympathy nor antipathy.
  I needed to think about what to say to him. Maybe I should have said something polite? That I feel myself not well? Or that I'm getting married soon?
  I do not know if I had anything against him. I needed to sort my thoughts out.
  But I jumped up and told him that we couldn't have a relationship... All that sort of stuff... As was customary in our supermarket...
  He looked at me with a cold stare. I jumped out of his room. I was in a bad mood, and I went to wander around the city at night.
  I came to the seashore. There is a platform above the sea, without fencing, at a height. Only the curb is 15 centimeters high.
  Absolute darkness. The sky was covered with clouds. In the darkness, only the lapping of the waves could be heard, and the sea spray was flying.
  I decided to stand on the curb to feel a sense of risk.
  Getting on the curb is not so difficult. It is dangerous to stand on it for a long time - you can lose your balance and fall down into the sea.
  But for some reason I couldn't step on it by both feet. I first stood on it with my right foot, and when I started to put my left foot, for some reason my left foot caught on my right one and I flew forward, straight into the night sea.
  How my left foot could hook my right one? It just couldn't be. It was as if someone skillfully shifted my left leg to the side with his foot from behind, and my left leg caught on the right one.
  I couldn't figure it out later. An incomprehensible event. A very strange, incomprehensible, unexpected, terribly frightening me event.
  Once in the sea, I began to scream. There were quite high waves. But I was pulled out by a man walking with his wife on the shore.
  I thanked him very much. He said that he was a lifeguard who came from Norilsk, and that he saved someone every month. They had a ticket to the theater. They took me by taxi to the hotel where my sports team and I were staying, I went to my room, changed my clothes. I was very excited and I was very scared. So I went to the train station. I bought a ticket for the next train. And I headed home.
  I'll call the coach by phone as soon as possible so he doesn't worry. Any athlete can suddenly get sick and drop out of the team.
  I think: should I go back to my supermarket on the 5th underground floor? back into a working team with Marya Alekseevna?
  { 15. Странная ночь на море. Из дневника Лены Ликеевой. - 30 марта 2024 г.
  XV. A strange night at sea coast. From the diary by Lena Likeeva. - March 30, 2024.
  Zalessky and I Залесский и я}
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