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Incredible stories about Anna Borsch. From the diary by Sveta Dergalova

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    IV. Incredible stories about Anna Borsch. From the diary by Sveta Dergalova. - March 28, 2024.

  Incredible stories about Anna Borsch. From the diary by Sveta Dergalova.
  March 28, 2024 23:46
  Anya left the hostel in the middle of day to go shopping. When she returned, the door to the room, where her things were, was locked. It was the commandant of the dorm who ordered a new lock to be installed.
  Anya had the money and passport with her. So she didn't waste any time, but went to search Pavlik.
  The guys I know managed to open the door, and Anya's things were moved to me. That's how I ended up with her diary. I will write my diary entries in it.
  For some reason, it seems to me that we will never see either Pavlik and Anya again. Maybe I'm wrong.
  I went to college this afternoon. And when I returned to the dorm, all the girls and boys were telling me different details about Anya.
  From these numerous disparate stories, a such a plot could be compiled.
  Anya tried to get information about Pavlik in the Employment office. There was a huge truck parked next to the office. Anya asked the driver of this truck if he knew where Pavlik was. The driver replied that he was going to the place where Pavlik had gone earlier.
  Anya asked if she could go to Pavlik in this truck. The driver didn't mind.
  An hour or two later, the truck stopped in the center of a some settlement, on a square.
  Anya got out of the truck. She was very nervous. She went to the pharmacy and bought soothing pills. She swallowed a several pills.
  Then she went to a nearby barbershop to ask if Pavlik had been seen there.
  At the barbershop, she was asked if she could work as a hairdresser. She said she graduated from hairdressing courses. The barbershop stuff advised her to earn extra money when the visitors pay well. She will need the money to find Pavlik.
  Anya came closer the empty chair. A new client came right away.
  This new client turned out to be a major general. He was in a new uniform, with fresh awards, and with a guard of six people. All the guards are in camouflage, fully equipped and wearing special glasses.
  The general sat down in the chair next to which Anya was standing. She began to shave him and to make his hair.
  At this moment, loud noises were heard outside. The windows shattered. But Anya was under the influence of pills. She wasn't paying attention to anything. She calmly continued to shave the general and to do a hair for him.
  Everyone from the barbershop ran away. Only the general and his guards are left, because they are not afraid of anything.
  When the haircut was over, the general stood up, looked at himself in the mirror, said, "Good!" and said, looking at Anya:
  - I've never seen such a brave girl! You is a real fighting friend!
  Then, the general commanded Anya:
  - Get ready! Come with me!
  Anya had nothing to pack, all her things were with her.
  The guards surrounded Anya and led her to the car.
  Twenty minutes later, the cars pulled up to a large house standing on the edge of the forest.
  The general and the officers went to a meeting, to discus plans, and Anya went to the kitchen.
  There, she cooked the borsch and other dishes from the available products.
  The meeting ended.
  Anya, although she did not work as a waitress, set the table in the dining room, invited the general and officers to the table and served dishes.
  Everyone ate with great appetite, even asked to bring a garlic for the borsch.
  After eating, the general said:
  - I've never eaten such a delicious borscht!
  All the officers participating in the meeting were smiling and said various pleasant, approving words.
  The general invited Anya to the table.
  The guards brought a bottle of wine, poured a little for everyone, including Anya, and everyone drank to good luck.
  The general stood up and commanded Anya:
  - Let's go!
  She was confused, but she was surrounded by guards and they headed with her to the exit.
  The sound of an approaching helicopter was heard.
  Anya, the general and the guards boarded a helicopter and landed in a city square five minutes later.
  There was also a car of the Head of the Administration of this city.
  Anya and the general got into this car and drove up to the registry office two minutes later.
  - Come out, - the general commanded to Anya.
  She went out and everyone entered the registry office.
  An employee of the registry office began the solemn procedure and asked Anya:
  - Do you agree to become the wife of the citizen Tvorogovsky?
  Anya didn't know what to say and was silent.
  An employee of the registry office issued a marriage certificate, stamped the passports. Everyone drank of a Tsimlyanskoe sparkling wine to celebrate the solemn event.
  Now Anya is a general's wife, and her surname is not Borsch, but Tvorogovskaya.
  She and the general have a huge two level apartment in the center of the capital with an area of 500 square meters and a country house near the capital on an island in the middle of the river (the area of the country house is 2500 square meters).
  Anya fired the hairdresser and the cook who worked in the general's country house. Now she herself does the hair for the general and she cooks herself.
  The general is very busy, so Anya constantly flies to his place of deployment of his unit, cooks for him there, and doing the job of a hairdresser. He can be said to carry her in his arms and calls her a "fighting friend" and "the bravest woman."
  In between these trips, Anya is engaged in restoring order in the capital's apartment and in a country house. In addition, she visits the Association of Patriotic Women. Anya, along with a female cosmonaut who became famous even in Brezhnev time, attend solemn events and say the right, encouraging words.
  I heard all this information about Anya in the dorm - in different rooms, from different people.
  It sounds beautiful. But is it possible to believe this unconditionally? Anya didn't have a smartphone with her, so she couldn't talk about all this herself.
  The general and his guards will not tell anything.
  I don't really believe in the whole story about Anya, it all looks like a beautiful legend. But I want to make a trip like she and to marry a serious man there. People have great prospects there now. It is only necessary to plan, calculate and foresee everything correctly.
  {4. Невероятные рассказы об Анне Борщ. Из дневника Светы Дергаловой. - 28 марта 2024 г.
  IV. Incredible stories about Anna Borsch. From the diary by Sveta Dergalova. - March 28, 2024.
  Zalessky and I Залесский и я}
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