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Successful teleportation from the jewelry store. Diary entries by Lena Likeeva and by the Silver Ring

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    XXIII. Successful teleportation from the jewelry store. Diary entries by Lena Likeeva and by the Silver Ring. - May 8, 2024.

  Successful teleportation from the jewelry store. Diary entries by Lena Likeeva and by the Silver Ring.
  October 26, 2024, 5:30 p.m.
  I got my first major financial bonus for my work at the pharmacy.
  Now I'm going to hang a notice on the door of the pharmacy "Technical break of 30 minutes", and I will run to the jewelry store, to buy for myself some kind of gift.
  [Recording without date and without time of day]
  Periodically, I leave my material body and visit the surroundings, familiar places.
  In the jewelry store where I, a Silver Ring with a heart, spent so many days, I saw a girl looking at the shop windows. She forgot her diary on one of the shop windows.
  I got acquainted with this diary and decided to make a record about my successful teleportation from the jewelry store.
  Like any piece of jewelry, it was sad for me to lie in a jewelry store, in a dark drawer, in a mass of other products.
  I began to think about how I could get out into the sunlight.
  During my reflections, I was mentally leaving my material body, surveyed the locals and tried to imagine possible events that would lead me out of the dark box.
  I was interested in one of the passers-by, a man of very considerable age. He loves to make gifts, and he is capable to buy a silver ring with a heart.
  However, he considered a handing over the ring (as a gift) as the fifth or sixth step on the way of communication with a girl.
  Such approach obviously didn't suit me. While he does his movement towards this fifth or sixth step, the situation changes, and as a result, the gift of a ring becomes irrelevant.
  When considering this situation, my attention turned to a girl of unearthly beauty who works in a men's and women's clothing store.
  When he will charmed by her beauty, a man almost immediately after meeting her will decide to give her me - a Silver Ring with a heart.
  I made a lot of effort to direct him to a clothing store where a charming girl works.
  At some point, he, at last, realized that he needed to buy another piece of clothing, and he headed to the store I planned.
  There he walked, chose the right thing, went to the fitting room, and he went to the cash register to pay for the selected good.
  At that moment, he saw the very girl of unearthly beauty that I that I chose.
  When he saw this girl, he, before he could get out the money, said as if fascinated: "In front of me is a girl of unearthly beauty!"
  The girl smiled modestly.
  He paid for the selected item and left the store.
  It was a good start, but it wasn't enough.
  A few days later, I sent him on a morning shopping trip again. Again, he was planning to purchase the thing, he needed, in a clothing store. But now he already wanted to see that most adorable girl.
  He came to the entrance of the store in the morning. Some people were already entering, they were walking (here and there) inside the store, but there was one minute left before the store opened.
  The man was detained by a strict guard who was clearly trying to prevent my teleportation from the dark box.
  After carefully looking at the generous man, the guard took the form of a magical creature and uttered a warning: "Don't try to cheat your fate!" (If this person is an employee of the Moral Committee, then this his current job of the guard is just a cover. Or he was placed at the gates of a clothing store to prevent a dating a Girl of unearthly beauty).
  But I made the right choice. The man just laughed in his mind and went inside.
  At the beginning of his journey across the clothing store, the man looked at the girl, but she was standing her back to him.
  He chose the thing he needed, went into the fitting room, and went up to the cash register.
  He told the girl: "I came here specifically to see your smile!" She smiled. When he saw her smiling, he added, "And to get your phone number." She smiled even more sweetly.
  As I expected, he was impressed by her smile and in a couple of days he went to the jewelry store, where I was lying in a dark drawer.
  Now the saleswoman of the jewelry store appeared on 'the stage'.
  She told him about the cost of the ring, about the possibility of purchasing a special card that allows him to exchange one piece of jewelry for another.
  He started asking clarifying questions, but did not understand some details.
  Angry, he turned to the second saleswoman, asking her to help with the purchase.
  The second saleswoman refused because she was busy.
  He had to continue dealing with the first saleswoman.
  The question arose again about the price, about discounts, about cards, about something else.
  Again, he didn't understand something and got even angrier.
  However, impressed by the smile of the girl of unearthly beauty, he was steadily moving forward: he took out a large banknote and waited for the transfer (to him) of the ring and of the change.
  When he received me (Silver Ring) and the change, he was surprised. He imagined a different price - out of the explanations he had heard.
  It turned out that he misunderstood the price. It wasn't the price itself that angered him, but the vagueness of the information.
  The saleswoman got excited, rushed to the ATM, withdrew the bill of one thousand rubles and tried to give him this thousand rubles (it's good that she didn't try to give of herself away right in the store).
  He smiled, waved his hand, completed the conversation and left the store with me in his pocket.
  Soon he was in a clothing store. The charming girl was not working that day.
  He waited ten minutes for another salesgirl, who was busy with the other customers' purchases, and began to find out from her where is the girl (whom he wanted to give a gift to), when she would work, and what her name is.
  At the same time, he asked this salesgirl (she is about the same height as the girl he was looking for) to put a ring on any finger, since he was not sure about the correct choice of ring size.
  The salesgirl at first was looking at him in fright, she was repeating the question: "What happened?", but, at last, he found out that an extraordinary girl would appear in a few days, he found out her name, and he saw: the ring fits at least one finger in size. So, it is very likely that it will suit the girl he is interested in.
  The trying on of the ring turned out to be a quite difficult, not an easy, task.
  And how much would a girl of unearthly beauty be afraid if he appeared with a ring that he wants to give her?
  "She would probably be very scared." - he explained to the salesgirl (she nodded in agreement).
  "So it's good that I showed ring to you: the girl I'm looking for will be able to calmly reflect on my gift."
  The salesgirl blushed a little and nodded her head in agreement.
  From the clothing store, he went to another jewelry store and asked about the possibility of increasing the size of the ring - if it would be necessary.
  Here he was greeted by a flower garden of smiling salesgirls. He talked to them with a usefulness and with pleasure.
  One of the salesgirls examined me and she successfully put of me on all her fingers (one by one). So the size of the ring is quite possibly chosen correctly.
  A man in a good mood gave these girls a chocolate bar and went on further.
  Now I need to wait for the donation, for the transfer of me, after which I will be looking at the Sun, walk (with the girl) around the city, and will feel the atmosphere of admiration (for her beauty).
  Periodically, I mentally scan the situation.
  That's what I found.
  The man thinks: "Let's say this girl is seventeen years old. Then the age difference is forty-five years. If I had consulted with anyone, they would have told me that this was an absurd act. And I would agree with this opinion. But I didn't consult with anyone. So I will move on."
  The news of the man's visit reached the girl of extraordinary beauty. The age difference confuses her, but she is generally positive.
  Anyway, I teleported out of a dark box, and I am waiting for events on a windowsill flooded with light.
  And in case of a successful development of events, perhaps I will be able to pull out of the dark box, after myself, a gold ring, even several gold rings. It is important not to lie in a dark box, but to act energetically.
  No matter how events will be unfolded further, I broke out into the daylight.
  Well, in the meantime, I'm putting this diary back on shop window. Tomorrow, the girl who forgot him will come for him, will find him, and continue her notes.
  October 27, 2024 10:10 a.m.
  In the morning, I returned to the jewelry store for the diary I had forgotten yesterday. Fortunately, it was lying on the shop window-in the place where I left it.
  I took it away, examined it and found a record about teleportation (from a dark box) of the Silver Ring. I don't know what to think about it. I'll consult with my mother.
  { 23. Успешная телепортация из ювелирного магазина. Дневниковые записи Лены Ликеевой и Серебряного Колечка. - 8 мая 2024 г.
  XXIII. Successful teleportation from the jewelry store. Diary entries by Lena Likeeva and by the Silver Ring. - May 8, 2024.
  Zalessky and I Залесский и я}
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