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The second job. From the diary by Dasha Lapteva

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    XI. The second job. From the diary by Dasha Lapteva. - March 29, 2024.

  The second job. From the diary by Dasha Lapteva.
  July 15, 2024 02:15
  My parents feel themselves worse and worse. They don't see a way out. What will happen to our house? What will be with our Milka, Rex and Murka?
  I took a sabbatical from college for family reasons and I got a second job: as a saleswoman in a supermarket. It is located nearby here: on the 5th underground floor.
  I work two jobs. I can sleep in the hostel (a special cheap hotel). It is also located nearby, underground, on the 7th floor. Payment at the hostel is hourly and per minute. Inexpensive. It is especially beneficial if I pay with a bank card. Part of the money paid is returned to the card. It's called cashback. Very profitable. In addition, bonus points are accumulated.
  A job in a cafe is also profitable. During the working day, visitors leave at least one untouched, unopened container-a glass of coffee and one untouched, completely fresh pie. So, I can to save on food.
  Now my life is: cafe - hostel - supermarket - hostel - cafe. I am not rising out to the surface. All the money earned goes to pay off the loan.
  Anton hardly comes. This is understandable: how can I find time to meet with him? There is no way for us to meet at the hostel.
  {11. Вторая работа. Из дневника Даши Лаптевой. - 29 марта 2024 г.
  XI. The second job. From the diary by Dasha Lapteva. - March 29, 2024.
  Zalessky and I Залесский и я}
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