Жуков Михаил Алексеевич : другие произведения.

Aeon ov Set

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    продолжение мифа об Осирисе - о том, как Сет, убитый сыном Осириса Гором, воскрес, и в отместку за тысячи лет небытия решил подвергнуть весь мир жутким мучениям. краткое содержание песни: все умерли!

  All dark ages of the past
  Were the temporary fictions
  All torments and the blights
  Were the false inquisitions
  See into me, say what you see
  Into the violent dreams and misery
  Hear me again, stay in the silence
  Aeons of life never shall repeat
  Hate in your blood, love in your heart
  Open the way of unholy hexagram
  Fate in your soul and logick of your brain
  Now in the battle through the times again
  Don't you fear the new dawn
  Cacophonies of the battles
  Between dark and holy light
  Empire* and Universal Church*
  See into me, say what you see
  Into the violent dreams and misery
  Hear me again, stay in the silent
  Aeons of life never shall repeat
  Hate in your blood, love in your heart
  Open the way of unholy hexagram
  Fate in your soul and logic of your brain
  Now in the battle through the times again
  Let me open the dark portal to bound beyond death
  Step downstairs without fear to the Aeon ov Set
  You'll conduct us through the golden aeons ov Lie
  We'll bring hell into the heaven, drunk it 'til we die
  When the darkning strikes in water in the underworld
  We shall tremble, we will fear die down on the earth
  Raw hell eat us and death do us with the brain decline
  Logic laws are so cruelty, now death should be mine
  Justice failed on the balance*, justice burned in cold*
  Thou is the traitor, sun in hell now fades out like a gold
  High priest* now is killed by the ten of swords*,
  And the Fate shall be defeated in the underworld
  Let me burn out all the lies that embrace you in this life
  Path upstairs are so cruel, it's a price for paradise
  I'll counduct you out of ages you abominate
  All the ages in the past times were full of Hate
  Winds of desert bring to forests
  Firebreath of wicked years
  Icy winds destroy the fortress
  of the regne de prosperite
  Face of the beast, voice in the mist
  are so beauty, fellation in the twist
  Bodies to deny, no time to cry
  We shall burn the all stars in the sky
  Virus in your blood, poison in your heart
  Open the key to secret words of guards
  Fate in your soul and logic of your brain
  Now in the battle through the times again
  Don't you see the new spawn
  that consume all the beauty
  Your desire is fly away
  But your desires now are muted
  Face of the beast, voice in the mist
  are so beauty, fellation in the twist
  Bodies to deny, no time to cry
  We shall burn the all stars in the sky
  Virus in your blood, poison in your heart
  Open the key to secret words of guards
  Fate in your soul and logic of your brain
  Now in the battle through the times again
  Let me open the dark portal to bound beyond death
  Step downstairs without fear to the Aeon ov Set
  You'll conduct us through the golden aeons ov Lie
  We'll bring hell into the heaven, drunk it 'til we die
  When the darkning strikes in water in the underworld
  We shall tremble, we will fear die down on the earth
  Raw hell eat us and death do us with the brain decline
  Logic laws are so cruelty, now death should be mine
  Justice failed on the balance*, justice burned in cold*
  You are the traitor, sun in hell now fades out like a gold
  High priest* now is killed by the ten of swords*,
  And the Fate shall be defeated in the underworld
  Let me burn out all the lies that embrace you in this life
  Path upstairs are so cruel, it's a price for paradise
  I'll counduct you out of ages you abominate
  All the ages in the past times were full of Hate
   * - отсылаю читателя к картам Таро. смотрите старшие карты и их смысл: Император, Императрица, Равновесие(Правосудие), Верховный Жрец, Верховная Жрица, а также младшую карту - десятка мечей.
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