Жуков Михаил Алексеевич : другие произведения.

Solitude, Burning Rain...

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Darkness is calling you to desolate
Spirits vibrate your name to be hatred
What the evil needs you now? You don't know
What the kliffoth take your soul from this world?
Solitude, burning rain
Altitudes of Insane...

Your angels impaled and now you alone
Don't hear all the lies of celestial throne
What the tempest makes you write the answer (this maniac rites)?
What is inside you makes you it to realize?
Solitude, burning rain
Altitudes of Insane...

Away from the lies...
Not late to deny...
So burn with your rain...
Vibrate like insane...
Away from the lies, from all silent murders
Not late to deny all godfearing horrors
So burn with your rain, don't wait divine dawn
It's time to slay all, like diabolic spawn.

Offered and smashed, you rot on the spikes
And all you was is now decomposed
What the fires call you now? You don't know
What the spirits heal your soul on this thorns?
Solitude, burning rain
Altitudes of Insane...

Darkness is calling you to desolate
Spirits vibrate your name to be hatred
What the evil needs you now? You don't know
What the kliffoth take your soul from this world?
Solitude, burning rain
Altitudes of Insane...

Away from the lies...
Not late to deny...
So burn with your rain...
Vibrate like insane...
Away from the lies, from all silent murders
Not late to deny all godfearing horrors
So burn with your rain, don't wait divine dawn
It's time to slay all, like diabolic spawn.

Away from this world, full of liars and hate
Not late to deny all you ever frustrated
So Slay senza fear, don't you fear to loose
It's time to take jewels that must belong you.

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